Monday, March 19, 2012

Difference In Me

Difference In Me

There's something in the silence
I never used to feel
There's something about knowing
That tells you this is real
When you're close
all I know I don't want to let you go

Hello happiness
Tell me where you've been
I missed the sound of your voice
missed the touch of your skin
It's no secret I'm Not who I used to be
Anyone can see
You're the difference in me
Oh the difference

I'm standing at your doorstep
Let me look into your eyes
We could strip away the secrets
Between you and me tonight

Won't you say it's OK
Let the world just fade away

Yeah the difference in me
The difference
When you're close all I know I don't want to let you go

Yeah the difference in me
Oh the difference
There's something in the silence I never used to feel

A song sung by Westlife; entitled Difference In Me

This song got nothing in particular about me. I wrote it here…it’s because I just love the music and the “Hello happiness, Tell me where you've been” part…thehehe~
Dear smile, please don’t fade…

Sometimes it just miracle
How someone smile could make your day
Or just by knowing that
The person you love is smiling,
Or hearing them laughing
Then you feel like…
All the burden in your chest is lift up
The sadness is all gone
And you’re smiling unconsciously… 

Ps: I love my dear parents, friends, etc… (^.^)v

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Its About Yourself


For some reasons…somehow…I feel lost~
The crowd of people surrounding me give arise to some questions. My heart is whispering silently. I…miss those moments back in school. Smiles from my beloved friends, seniors and juniors…not to forget, the very passionate smiles I used to get from my teachers. Most of all, I actually miss the environment there…

Aku rindu, pada sujudku yang berlinangan air mata
Pada tahajudku yang penuh syahdu
Alunan ayatullah yang mengusik jiwa…damai menenteramkan
Rindu mengingatkan insan-insan yang membuat aku cemburu
Cemburu dengan amal mereka
Lantas kerana cemburu itu…
Mendorong aku turut berlumba…
Dalam merebut kasih Ilahi
Di bumi itu…aku tenang
Warganya saling menyuruh ke arah kebaikan
Menasihati serta membimbing akhwatnya
Hati ini terdidik…
Jiwa ini jadi terisi…
Roh ini terasa aman…tanpa kerisauan
Ya Allah…Izinkan aku untuk merasa nikmat itu lagi
Ya Allah Ya Rahman…
Kurniakan hamba petunjuk, bimbingi langkah hidupku
Amin Ya Rabb…

There was someone (my memory fades I can barely recall! Huhuhu~) who always remind us: “Good friend is someone who when you’re with them, they remind you of Allah.” 

Now that I am here, in a new place with brand new friends…I was wondering. Do I make myself as a good friend to others?
It kinda sad… =(

Tahu tak…kadangkala usah melihat pada apa yang ada di sekeliling kita. Usah menunding jari mengatakan kerana mereka kita begini dan begitu. Biasakan diri untuk sellau berfikir dan merenung. Mengapa tidak kita yang mengorak langkah…mencuba membina arus baru yang lebih baik. Mungkin bukan sekarang tapi lama-kelamaan sesuatu yang baik kalau diamalkan akan terbiasa. Maka bermula daripada situ orang-orang yang lain juga akan merasa terbiasa. Ada yang mengatakan bahawa; 

“Betulkan yang biasa dan biasakan yang betul!”

Tiba-tiba jadi ingat pada kata-kata seorang bapa saudara;

“Ikan itu hidup di laut yang masin. Namun bila difikirkan mengapa ia tidak masin sebagaimana kehidupannya?”

Tidak perlu kata-kata yang panjang untuk menerangkan suasana berdasarkan kata-kata itu. Cukup dengan rahmat anugerah akal yang Allah kurniakan, pasti jawapan itu jelas! 

Catitan perjalanan: Sudah lama tidak mengarang membuatkan otakku beku memikirkan patah kata yang sesuai! Abaikan kesalahan bahasa…huhu Ini catitan hati…yang aku karang di kanvas maya~

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Not to Worry, Have faith…

“You might be married to the worst man on earth, like Asiah who married Firaun (Pharoah), but it didn't change her (aqidah).
You might be married to the best man on earth, like Nabi Lut's wife, yet that doesn't mean you're going to Jannah with him.
You might not be married at all, like our beloved Maryam yet Allah SWT places your status above all other women on earth.
Have faith in Allah always and place your full trust in Him. He's the central focal point of our lives.”

-Heba El-Haddad-

I found this quote from someone’s blog. I do have a thought like this before. It is back in two years ago. It is a memory…remains still in my head. All praise goes to Allah. Everything happened for reasons (hikmah). Reasons that we might know or get to know and only can be discover in the future.

Time doesn’t wait for us. As it passes by, our age come to its limit. What is most important for now is to be the best, do things the best you can give. Let the future come; don’t be too much worried about it. Instead, work out for today when you still have it so that you would not be regret in the future.

Not to Worry, Have faith…