Saturday, April 21, 2012


There are some good qualities that are never developed until you are put into a difficult situation. You would never learn sabr until you are in a difficult situation. It only blooms under difficult circumstances. 

Gratitude-Only when something is taken away is when you appreciate what you had. Even in difficulty, there is huge blessing~

For every struggle is a blessing which it is a chance for you to redeem yourself in front of Allah subhanahu wata'ala~

Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Walailahaillallah Allahu Akbar…

Indeed…Allah is all known…nothings is for vain.
Everything happens for reasons…

Today…is a meaningful day for me.
Not to mention it here… =) but I am really really truly grateful!

Oo Allah Alhamdulillah for everything~ all praise be for Allah.

Nota kaki paying:
Allah s.w.t. said in the Quran, by way of translation “So make remembrance of Me, and I will make remembrance of you..." [al-Qur'an:2:152]

Less is more…

Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday, 20 April 2012

Jam hampir menginjak ke pukul 4 pagi dan mata ini masih belum tertutup. Masih berjaga menahan rasa mengantuk. Ada assignment yang masih perlu disiapkan…ada nota yang perlu ditelaah buat persediaan menghadapi exam esok hari. Otak terasa lelah. Lelah memikirkan segala macam hal.
Dua hari lepas ada exam. Malangnya tatkala kaki telah mengatur langkah ke dewan kuliah, diri rebah di tangga. Tak mampu mengatur  untuk terus berjalan. Kepala berpinar. Badan terasa lemah, lesu, tiada tenaga…Allah…salah sendiri sebab tak makan. Tambah buruk bila badan sudah sedia lemah akibat sakit yang datang menjengah. Akhirnya dengan sisa kudrat yang ada aku mencapai handphone. Mencari nama lecturer yang berkenaan mohon pelepasan. Dengan suara yang lemah aku cuba bercakap…badan terasa menggigil. Pandangan sedia berpinar. Ya Allah jangan la aku pengsan dan jatuh tangga! Alhamdulillah mujur pensyarahku memahami. :’) I can detect the changes in his voice. Bernada risau mendengar suara aku yang mungkin agar bergetar.
Esok…masih ada assignment yang perlu dihantar. Masih ada exam yang perlu ditempuh. Sakit ini masih belum kebah sepenuhnya. Namun harapnya esok aku masih betah berdiri.
Yang sebenarnya aku masih risau. Masih resah. Masih memikir. Masih ingat. Masih sedih. Masih terasa. Masih mencari jawapan. Masih mencuba. Masih menanti. I still………… entah macam mana…nak meyakinkan diri. Benda yang sangat susah. Paling teruk…bila benda ni dari hati bawa ke otak. Dari otak bawa ke badan. Akhirnya melarat…ikut rasa badan jadi binasa. (sigh) I try…I try…
Just…I hope I won’t lose hope. I hope for a brighter tomorrow. I hope to see the sunshine smile at me once again while shining brightly on me. I hope………I would not lose hope because I do believe……Insha'allah.

PS: “…Indeed, with me is my Lord; He will guide me.” [al-Qur'an:26:62]

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lebih Baik...

I really hope to hear the truth.......
The explanation.....
I need it...untuk bina semula rasa percaya dan keyakinan terhadap sesuatu.....
I truly need it....

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Quotes & Thought

Appreciate who ever that makes you as their priority in their lives. Otherwise you are going to regret it later (yes I do feel it now…thehee--->pathetic!).

Respect people who find time for you in their busy schedule. But LOVE people who never look at their schedule when you need them (Never find one yet…Everybody are busy with their own live and everyone got their own time for something).

Lelaki sejati bukannya yang mempunyai ramai wanita dalam hidupnya tetapi dia yang menolak ramai wanita hanya demi wanita yang dicintainya (copy paste from my friend-->boleh pakai ke falsafah ni?).

If someone really wants to be a part of your life, they will really make an effort to be in it. =) (Tapi tak semua orang mampu bertahan lama-lama dengan segala macam halangan. Susah….amat susah untuk ditemui…Amat beruntung mereka-mereka yang beruntung punya teman sejati yang mahu berdamping dunia akhirat)

The only people you need in your life are the ones that need you in theirs.   
Ps: I love my family :’)

Never let anyone fall for you when you know there's Someone Else in your heart and mind. (It’s cruel…a biggest crime of heart! woha~)

Developing new feelings for someone is easy. The hard part is, getting rid of the old emotions you had for someone else. (indeed...)

Do you know what happens when you continuously ignore people? You're teaching them a happy life without you. (and I hate distance…and the load of work which makes you being busy…because it does the same thing too.dear family, please keep loving and missing me…sob3)

Utamakan mereka yang mengutamakan anda dalam hidup mereka kerana ia tidak akan mengecewakan anda.

The truth hurts, but it doesn’t kill. The lie pleases, but it doesn’t heal. (so don’t you ever lie!)

Ps: I feel, I thought, therefore I wrote…and here it is…