Saturday, April 21, 2012


There are some good qualities that are never developed until you are put into a difficult situation. You would never learn sabr until you are in a difficult situation. It only blooms under difficult circumstances. 

Gratitude-Only when something is taken away is when you appreciate what you had. Even in difficulty, there is huge blessing~

For every struggle is a blessing which it is a chance for you to redeem yourself in front of Allah subhanahu wata'ala~

Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Walailahaillallah Allahu Akbar…

Indeed…Allah is all known…nothings is for vain.
Everything happens for reasons…

Today…is a meaningful day for me.
Not to mention it here… =) but I am really really truly grateful!

Oo Allah Alhamdulillah for everything~ all praise be for Allah.

Nota kaki paying:
Allah s.w.t. said in the Quran, by way of translation “So make remembrance of Me, and I will make remembrance of you..." [al-Qur'an:2:152]

Less is more…

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