(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, all praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger)
When it comes to understand the true religion of Islam and its teachings, we as Muslims are expected to take certain steps in order to identify and practice the right means for which Allah (SWT) and our Beloved Prophet (SAWS) can shower their blessing upon us by being a favorable member of the community.
Therefore, in the context of Islam it has been mentioned well over 200 times and many other indirect sources that focus patience to be an important aspect of Islam. To make you understand there are certain Holy Quran Verses which can be said to directly attribute in the context such as:
And seek (Allah’s) help with patience and prayer. (2:45)And endure patiently whatever may befall thee. (31:17)And exhort one another to be patient. (103:3)And heed not their annoyance, but put thy trust in Allah. (33:48)
In addition, a verse referring to patience that we can examine is in the very first verse of the Holy Quran that begins with “Praise belongs to Allah.” (Al-Fatiha). Yes, that is right it means that Allah (SWT) expect us to express the admiration and gratitude to Him and this is where we as Muslims should show our gratitude to the One and Only Lord, Allah (SWT) and expects his blessing and mercy in return with enduring patience.
Yes, that is right we are expected to be patient in all situations and win the situation by enduring the best practices with wise understandings as history show that people with short tempered mood have always lost the plot thus,
Patience is undoubtedly the superior solution to all problems. Hence, all the praises be to Allah and may Him guide us in every steps that we make.
Ps: Hold tight to what you believe. Remember to seek for an answer from Allah in every steps you make...istikharah... =)
**Sabar jak la cik wani!!huhu
**Sabar jak la cik wani!!huhu
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